For saving and opening projects
Here you choose what kind of colorscheme the application should use.
All the actions related to the microcontroller target.
Only generate the files and download them to the IDE.
Do everything, generate, download, send to the microcontroller, and configure the microcontroller.
Only send the firmware to the microcontroller.
Only send the configuration to the microcontroller, when you have configured any.
Show the telemetry window.
Not all platforms find the microcontroller without assistance. This is to check multiple ports for a connected microcontroller of the correct type.
All the actions related to the IDE cloud connection.
To connect the IDE to the cloud generator.
To disconnect the IDE from the cloud generator.
All the actions related to installing utilities.
All help and information related actions.
Brings you straight to the online documentation index. It contains a lot more reading material than the builtin help.
Also activated with the hotkey <Ctrl>-H.
Activated the builtin help window. Also activated with 'F1'.
Bendyroad makes use of thirdparty libraries. Here you can find the licenses we used to distribute them to you.
Bendyroad makes use of java. Here you can find the licenses we used to distribute it to you.
Here you can find version info, author info and a link to our website.