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A RGB LED connected to 3 output pins on the CPU.

Functions the same as 3 PWM LEDs.


Specify the pins for each colour, and give it a name, for example 'rgb_led'.

Each colour can be set to intensity 0 (off), 25, 50, 75 or 100 (full on), in a logic block.

For example, a logic rule 'set_magenta': = 50; = 50;

Because RGB LEDs work with intensity settings from 0 to 100, and Blinker works with on and off only, RGB LEDs can't be used with blinkers.

Property Description
Disabled To disable or enable this block.
Name The name of this block.
Red Pin for red LED
Green Pin for green LED
Blue Pin for blue LED
Comment To optionally enter a comment. It does not impact the generated firmware.